Eisler’s address at James Madison University, “Re-Examining Human Nature and Re-Creating Society: Four Cornerstones for Transformation,” synthesized decades of Eisler’s cutting-edge research into four main foundations for a new kind of society: childhood relations, gender relations, economics and stories.
How to Fix the Economy: Going Beyond GDP and Politics as Usual
By Riane Eisler for the Huffington Post
This is the time formeasures. We cannot fix the economy based on measures such as GDP that look at our world through a rearview mirror.
Co-authored with Natalie Cox, Coordinator of the Center’s Caring Economy Campaign
Pundits tell us that Republicans just took over Congress because of popular discontent with our economy. Exit polls showed that 45% of voters said “the economy” was their most important issue, and Republicans promised to “fix the economy.”
But how can we really fix the economy? A brand new set of economic measures called Social Wealth Economic Indicators (SWEIs) point the way to solutions that go far beyond what most politicians tell us we need.
Republicans advocate austerity – even though it’s clear austerity has impeded Europe’s economic recovery. Democrats talk about restoring manufacturing jobs – even though these are shrinking as fast as Alice did in Wonderland after she drank from the wrong bottle. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth in the next decade will be centered in the knowledge-service industries such as health care and social assistance, education, and financial services. By 2022, the number of jobs in manufacturing is projected to plummet, largely due to automation and robotics.
Read the entire Huffington Post article here.
German Edition of the Chalice and the Blade – Kelch und Schwert
Kelch und Schwert: Unsere Geschichte, unsere Zukunft
Weibliches & männliches Prinzip in der Geschichte
Mit einem Vorwort von Daniel Goeudevert.
Stimmen zum Buch:
“Von der Fremdbestimmung zur Partnerschaft ist eines dieser wunderbaren Bücher, die uns wirklich verändern und darüber hinaus einen fundamentalen Wandel der Welt bewirken können.”
Isabel Allende
“Kelch & Schwert verleiht einer konkreten Hoffnung Ausdruck, die viele von uns hegen – dass es einen anderen Weg geben könnte, Beziehungen und Institutionen zu gestalten, und zwar auf eine Weise, die dem Leben und den Bedürfnissen des Menschen dient. Riane Eisler inspiriert uns, die Arbeit zu tun, die notwendig ist, um diesen Traum wahr werden zu lassen.”
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Portugese Edition of Chalice and The Blade – O Calice E A Espada
‘O cálice e a espada’ levanta evidências arqueológicas e históricas que provam ter havido, em um passado distante, sociedades pacíficas e igualitárias organizadas em torno da cooperação e do respeito por todos, inclusive pela natureza. A autora expõe os paradigmas subjacentes à realidade contemporânea através de uma fascinante análise do Neolítico e da cultura que existiu na ilha de Creta, e mostra a transformação trazida por cultura de pastores nômades e guerreiros, que impuseram a grupos de agricultores desarmados e sedentários uma forma de viver centrada na guerra e na exploração, no poder baseado na força ou ameaça do uso de força e no domínio dos homens sobre as mulheres.